This week, we have a real "Off The Record" guest for you. It's true that this seldom seen Brooklyn music guru rarely makes visits to Manhattan's meat packing district, but that's exactly why Speculator's appearance will be nothing short of... spectacular!
I met William Burnett(Specualtor), through my good friend Frantz, who used to work with him at Greenpoint's infamous dig spot, The Thing. He would let me in on Will's affinity for creating music with vintage synths, and to me, it was like hearing about urban legend in a way. Up until then, I had been meeting with mostly DJ's and was still very in the dark about producing with real synthesizers. The fact that he was collecting all this 80's equipment got me curious enough to buy his records and eventually seek him out. After meeting him in person, I've became quite a fan of his whole catalog but even more so, his damn hustle. You would never guess by his surly old man vibe, but he's actually a striking conversationalist, has a widespread knowledge of all things weird and cool, and is one of the hardest working producers I know.
Not only has he done remixes for Dream Disco's "In Your Eyes" on Das Drehmoment and Music Cargo's "Ernte 05," he's also been releasing some amazing original synth music under Grackle, and cosmic disco releases as Galaxy Toobin with producer homie Elliot Lipp. Besides all that, he still holds it down at The Thing, co-runs a used synth shop called Pentatonic, started his own label WT Records, and provides fresh new sounds for you every week on East Village Radio's "Night Bus" every Thurs from 10pm-12am.
He'll be taking a break from his busy schedule to throw down some of his favorite vinyl selections with us this Friday. A perfect way to start the weekend, I say.